Hello everybody! Do you ever wake up from a dream and wonder why you had it? Why did you brain spit out those weird images? Why a crush from high-school starts talking to you in your subconscious?
When I was young I used to believe that if you were in my dreams you were there for a reason. My subconscious mind was trying to tell me something and I had to listen. I also used to think that if I was in their mind the same was true. Thinking about one another in the silence of sleep meant that we needed to connect in the day. Try to make something happen.
As my years went on though I learned more about dreams and the mind itself. Turns out your dreams, research is always forthcoming, are used to recycle your thoughts from your conscious thinking and to redistribute your memory. Kinda like computer memory defragmentation.
Dreams held your mind in coping with stress and loss, rebuilding the brain's pathways, and giving your conscious mind a break from the heavy lifting of wakeful thinking.
As you drift into sleep your brain transitions through different phases or stages of consciousness until you hit phase 4 sleep also called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. In this phase your brainwaves go through a change and start emitting different wavelengths.
All of our dreaming is done during REM sleep.
Imagery appears, certain people appear, certain ideas appear. All with no real significance or order, or so it seems. Study into dreams and the human consciousness has been a point of interest since the days of the Egyptians. Dream interpretation has been the major study point for famous philosophers as well, such as Freud or Faraday. Looking into the inner workings of the human mind, conscious or subconscious, has always brought about more questions than answers.
Why did I have a dream about a girl I haven't talked to in years? Was it just memory waste being pushed to the forefront? Or have I been subconsciously thinking about her or girls in general from my past and my brain brought her image forward? Or was I right all along back in school, should I try to pursue this with her?
Dreams are hypothesized to do many things. Real and surreal from transporting our bodies across dimensions, letting us speak with the dead, showing us the future, or the past. Shining a light onto a path we need to follow. Or showing us the visage of our apparent soul mate. They let us speak with God or let us become gods for a night. The expanses of our brain and the mystery's within are boundless.
Perhaps one day we will be able to transfer our brain waves to a viewing screen and finally see with waking eyes what our brains are seeing in the night. Or maybe we'll finally unlock the true purpose of such activity only evolution can explain. One can hope and dream.
Until then I'll silently talk to people from my past, fly in the open sky and dance with the proverbial devil that is wishful thinking related to prospective futures. Hoping some of these will come true.
As always.
Keep reading. Keep dreaming. Keep learning.